New Features and Principal Changes in Version 10.0
Most recent version is 13.0.22, released on 29th October 2024.
For a description of the principle functional changes made to HandicapMaster from 9.3 to 10.0, please
read our
New in Version 10.0 page.
Update 10.0.58 - 30 November 2021 - Interim Update Package 1258 - Available upon request
- FIX - Competition Bookings; When selecting an Open competition to include booking through the clubhouse as well as online, the competition remained listed on the bookings window viewed by non-members on Master Scoreboard, in error.
- FIX - Competition Results; Unexpected error 9 ('Value cannot be null') could occur viewing results reports after turning off position-based handicapping adjustments (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Competition Winners Report; In some circumstances, the report would list round winners rather than aggregated results winners for a competition, in error.
- FIX - Exporting bookings calendar to CSV file; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object.') may have occurred in rare cases.
- FIX - Number of Good Holes Scored report; Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array') occurred where a player record was converted to female gender, with a score already included in a men's-only competition.
- FIX - Player Entry; When touchscreen input is used the list of names option did not include some players due to accented characters in surnames.
- FIX - Submission of scores to Handicapping; After editing a scorecard, or reconfiguring a competition, twice in quick succession, the player's scores could be submitted twice to their handicapping records (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- FIX - WHS Handicapping; In some circumstances, edits to non-competition scorecards were not passed through to the WHS handicapping service (WHS Editions only).
Update 10.0.57 - 8 November 2021 - Interim Update Package 1257 - Available upon request
- AMEND - Subscriptions option; Improve the View Invoice window to allow it to be resized to enable more data to be viewed.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; When operating 'average of best recent scores' with a limit to the number of strokes any handicap can increase when a score is submitted, the limit was not being applied when the first score was submitted to a player' record (LOCAL handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Submission of scores to Handicapping; 'The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request' occurred after recording handicap counting scores through Player Entry (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
Update 10.0.56 - 3 November 2021 - Update Package 1256
- NEW - Player Entry; When configuring a Player Entry profile with printing of scorecards or labels as players sign-in, you may now selectively limit the printing to only when players sign in to competitions and/or when they sign-in to record a general play score.
- NEW - Visitors; You may now elect to delete the Visitor records for all Visitor players who do not have any scores recorded in the system since date of your choosing. These Visitors are moved to the 'Past Visitors' list. You may access this facility by right-clicking over any entry in the Visitors list.
- AMEND - Handicap Index lookup; When checking a player's Handicap Index from the National System, 'Error 404 - Not Found' is now more meaningfully displayed as 'Handicap for player … not found on National system' (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- AMEND - Handicap List Report; Improve Layout of Handicap Index List report when report layout is one column (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- AMEND - Handicap Scores; When uploading scores to the WHS handicapping server, the type of score (Competition or General Play) will now also be uploaded, to assist analysis of handicapping data (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- AMEND - Help File; Update information about Ladies' and Men's medal competitions.
- AMEND - Help File; Update the Enter Scores and Scorecard Toolbar images.
- AMEND - Help File; Update the page ' Scorecard Entry Window' to include details of how to enter a 'Hole Not Played'.
- AMEND - Publish to WHS Platform; When publishing membership data to the WHS platform, Date of Birth and Email Address details will now be sent for 'Away' members in addition to 'Home' members, where applicable (WHS Editions, England only).
- AMEND - Send Scores to WHS server; When a previously submitted score is corrected, and the correction takes the number of holes played below the minimum allowed to be included on a player's WHS Handicap record, a DELETE request will now be sent to the server instead of the corrected score. This is to overcome a limitation of the WHS server that otherwise rejects the corrected score from being submitted (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- AMEND - Start Sheet report; When the allowance of an opened competition is changed the start sheet notes are updated with the new allowance.
- AMEND - Subscriptions option; Improve layout of Payment Item form when adding or editing a Payment Item.
- FIX - Analyse Scores Entered; Unexpected error 5 ('InvalidArgument=Value of '2' is not valid for 'index'') occurred in one reported case when viewing the scores entered for a Foursomes competition.
- FIX - Calendar; Opened competitions were not being displayed in the last cell in the Calendar.
- FIX - Configure Competition; After reconfiguring a team competition to be played off a different set of tees, the wrong team Playing Handicaps would be calculated for any scores already entered.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; When calculating player's Handicaps using the average of their best recent scores, after their first score is added to their record, their Handicap could be calculated above the chosen system limit (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Most Improved Golfer; When a starting Handicap value could not be obtained for a player, the fallback to use the first known index after the start date was not working.
- FIX - Number of Good Holes report wizard; the option to set a handicap limit to above could be set, but the next time you entered the wizard it defaulted to below.
- FIX - Sending E-mail; Unexpected error 5 ('The output byte buffer is too small to contain the encoded data') had been reported by a single customer when typing into the e-mail message text box.
- FIX - Sending Scores to WHS Platform; In very rare cases (a single instance reported) where 2 or more HandicapMaster or Player Entry processes were running on the same computer and the computer was resumed from sleep or hibernation it was possible for two processes to activate within the same second (known as a 'race condition') and both send scores to the WHS platform (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- FIX - Stripe Payments; After connecting an existing 'Standard' Stripe account to the HandicapMaster system, selecting 'View Dashboard' failed and cleared the settings in HandicapMaster.
Update 10.0.55 - 6 October 2021 - Interim Update Package 1255 - Available upon request
- NEW - Record Away Scores; You may now record away competition and General Play scores played outside of the national Union or Federation jurisdiction (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- AMEND - Adjust Handicap; Option is removed for those regions where adjustments have to be made through their National Federation (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- AMEND - Competition Template wizard has been improved to make it clearer when a handicap allowance limit is applied, to what the limit is applied to.
- AMEND - Download Latest Member Handicaps; A progress screen is now displayed when downloading the latest Handicap Indexes (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- AMEND - It is now possible for organisations using an external booking service to operate the HandicapMaster Competition Fee purse with online top-up though Master Scoreboard with Stripe providing payment facilities. Competition Fee Purse deductions occur when a player signs-in to a competition before commencing play on the date of the competition. (GOLD editions only).
- AMEND - Start Sheet Notes text is improved when there is a limit to handicap allowance.
- FIX - Data conversion; When converting Society handicap records to Local Handicap records when running version 10 for the first time, known Course Difficulty was not applied to the existing scores in the player’s handicap record (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Download Course Scorecards; Course scorecards were not displayed in the system after download, where the course was not previously added to HandicapMaster (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS services only).
- FIX - E-Mail; In some cases the automatic housekeeping of e-mail data which should retain data from last 6 months could remove data that was less than 6 months old.
- FIX - Find a Player on WHS Platform; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred after searching for a player by name and selecting to add the player to the database (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- FIX - Receive payments with Stripe; The sign-up wizard was not correctly accommodating customers already holding an account with Stripe. It was not possible to link an existing Stripe account to the service successfully.
- FIX - Record Away Scores; Error 406 'Non-counting course played. Score not submitted' occurred submitting away scores for handicapping, in error (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
- FIX - Record General Play Scores; Error 406 'Non-counting course played. Score not submitted' occurred submitting away General Play scores for handicapping, in error (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS Services only).
Update 10.0.54 - 15 September 2021 - Update Package 1254
- AMEND - General Bookings Schedules; Where a schedule has been created offering more than one booking per tee time, but with no maximum overall number of players that may be booked for each time in the schedule, you may now set a maximum for each time.
- AMEND - General Play Scores; After review, the recent restriction applied to General Play scoring ('The option to limit players to selected Courses or Tee colours for their General Play scores is disallowed') is rescinded (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- AMEND - Player Entry; When signing in for a General Play score, Players will now be asked to confirm the Tees they will be playing from, even where they are only offered a single tee choice (so they are clear which tees they are expected to play from).
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected Error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred closing a competition where a player's gender was changed between entering a scorecard and closing the competition.
- FIX - General Bookings; Replies provided by customers to additional questions asked at booking time could be displayed incorrectly in the schedule listing, where non-alphabetic characters had been used in the reply.
- FIX - Player Entry Leader board; In one reported case, unexpected error 5 ('value of '0' is not valid for 'emSize'') occurred displaying the Player Entry Leader board.
- FIX - Program Start; Unexpected error 5 ('No value given for one or more required parameters') occurred starting HandicapMaster with an old database from an unsupported HandicapMaster version.
- FIX - Reports; Unexpected error 5 ('End of file expected') would occur if the data to be included on the report included a forward slash character.
- FIX - Scorecards from a Competition report; Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array') could occur when the 'tees played from' information for the competition was missing.
- FIX - Subscriptions; When selecting option to void a payment, unexpected payments could be listed in the selection window.
Update 10.0.53 - 1 September 2021 - Update Package 1253
- AMEND - General Bookings Templates; Where a template has been configured to offer more than one booking per tee time, but with no maximum overall number of players that may be booked for each time in the template, you may now set a maximum for each time.
- AMEND - General Play Scores; Following an announcement by the four Home Unions of measures to enhance the integrity of their WHS handicapping systems, the following restrictions on General Play scores are introduced by the Unions; (1) option for Sign-in before play is now mandatory, (2) Players must return General Play scores as 'Regular Stroke Play' scores (not Stableford scores), (3) The option to limit players to selected Courses or Tee colours for their General Play scores is disallowed. Player Entry Settings Profiles and Online Score Entry profiles are adjusted accordingly (WHS Editions, England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland).
- AMEND - Number of Scores Returned report; This report now offers an option to be run for Visitors.
- AMEND - Player Entry Leader Board; For Pairs Team competitions, player's full names are now displayed on the Leader board, and for 3 and 4-player Team competitions, player's first initial is now included in their names on the Leader board. Also, a more consistent size of text is now used for the names of players when displaying a team competition and player's names are now displayed in the same order as entered on their scorecards.
- AMEND - Player Entry; When a player signs in for a General Play score, the Handicap confirmation message no longer refers to Playing Handicap (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Player Entry; Where a Handicap Index is checked for a Visitor on the day of a competition, from a WHS server, any change of Handicap Index is now recorded as the player's latest Handicap Index in the system, in addition to being used for the competition sign-in and score entry (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Bookings Calendar; When returning to the calendar from another list or window, the calendar selection was being reset to the first day displayed in the grid each time, in error.
- FIX - Opened Competition; After trying to update the details of a competition that had been deleted by another user, Unexpected Error 5 ('OleDbConnection does not support parallel transactions') could later occur.
- FIX - Player Entry Leader Board; The wrong scores and results would be displayed when displaying some Multiple-Round or Alternative Day Team Competitions formats (i.e., Four-ball, Pairs Aggregate and Am-Am).
- FIX - Player Entry; The leader board could be displayed whilst a player was in the process of signing into a competition, in error.
- FIX - Player Entry; 'Visitors' could be prompted to confirm their Handicap Index, in an inconsistent manner (WHS Editions,). Visitors will only be asked to confirm their index if no successful lookup of their Handicap Index from the WHS server was possible.
- FIX - Sending Scores to WHS Platform; In a very rare scenario (reported by a single customer) a score that had just been sent, due to a network outage, failed to be recorded as successfully sent. This resulted in the score being sent a second time when the network connection was restored (WHS editions - Cloud and Hosted editions only). This may have resulted in a duplicate entry in a player's handicap record (WHS Editions Cloud and Hosted editions, Scotland only).
- FIX - Sending Scores to WHS Platform; In one reported case, after failing to obtain an 'access token' to send scores to the WHS platform, from the WHS Platform, Player Entry failed to resume sending scores once the networking problem was resolved (WHS Editions, only).
- FIX - Unexpected error 5 ('Argument 'Length' must be greater or equal to zero.') may have occurred in rare cases when applying scores and a competition was not configured correctly to be aggregated.
- FIX - Unexpected error: Unable to release Lock; [Database] [Error: 10928] Resource ID : 1. The request limit for the database is 60 and has been reached may have occurred in rare circumstances when there was a transient network outage.
Update 10.0.52 - 17 August 2021 - Interim Update Package 1252 - Available upon request
- AMEND - Database; Improve handling of DNS error 'no such host is known' when accessing a Cloud or Hosted edition database (Cloud and Hosted editions only).
- AMEND - Player Entry; Improve layout of Player Entry Sign in confirmation screen for Texas and Florida Scrambles.
- AMEND - Start Sheet Report. For team competitions, if the Par and Stroke Index selection of the competition are changed update the start sheet notes to reflect this.
- AMEND - When Publishing to English or Scottish WHS platforms, Out of Region players are no longer included in the list of players who may have been selected for allocation of a National ID. This is a display only change as such Out of Region players were excluded later in the publish process (WHS Editions, England and Scotland only).
- FIX - Competition Purse; When a Stripe payment for a competition purse top-up was refunded, the player's competition purse balance and record was not updated. Also, when a competition purse online top-up record entry was refunded, the player's stripe payment was not refunded too.
- FIX - Competition Results; Option to calculate gross results for Stroke-play competitions played from more than one tee (with mixed tee adjustment to scores) was missing from the Results Report wizard (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Subscription option; Historic Competition Purse Balance report. Were a member has only one transaction with a negative balance adjustment within the reporting period an incorrect historic balance may have been reported.
- FIX - Subscription option; Member Purse Account Statement for Competition fee purse, may in some cases have displayed an incorrect starting balance, where the member had no purse transactions prior to the start date of the report.
Update 10.0.51 - 5 August 2021 - Interim Update Package 1251 - Available upon request
- AMEND - Find a player on WHS Platform; Display detail of player's Home Club as 'Unknown (Reported as 'null' by Golf Union)' where the Golf Union WHS system fails to provide the expected Home Club details for a player (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- AMEND - Handicap Certificates; Option to create a certificate is added (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- AMEND - Player Entry Settings Profiles; It is now possible to select that Players must sign-in before returning a General Play score, even when sign-in is not selected as a service the in the profile.
- AMEND - When cancelling a General Play Score or Initial Handicap Card from a Player record confirm if the score is to be removed from the handicapping record.
- AMEND - WHS End User Agreements; The Golf Ireland Privacy Policy is added to the End User Agreement, at the request of Golf Ireland (WHS Editions, Ireland only).
- AMEND - WHS End User Agreements; The Wales Golf Privacy Policy is added to the End User Agreement, at the request of Wales Golf (WHS Editions, Wales only).
- FIX - Adjust Handicap; After a single and only score was deleted from a player's Handicap Record, it could become impossible to adjust a players' handicap (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Bookings; As an administrator, when booking a player into a multi-tee competition through HandicapMaster, the message 'Unable to calculate Course/Tee Handicap as Par for the course is not known' could be displayed (unnecessarily).
- FIX - Enter Scores; Where a handicap range limit had been applied to a competition, restricting entry of players to only players with a Handicap within a selected range, it was possible for some players to not be listed for score entry and the 'Find' button to report 'It has not been possible to locate the player' (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Online Score Entry; Any competition previously configured for online score entry was not cancelled from online score entry if the format of the competition was changed to one unsupported for online score entry.
- FIX - Player Entry; Look-up of a visitors' Handicap Index could fail when signing in or entering a score, where the player had previously been a member and a 'Casual Visitor' record had subsequently been created for them.
- FIX - Player Handicap Record; The revised handicap was not displayed in player's Handicap Record for competitions closed using HandicapMaster '10.0.50' program update (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Publish Membership data to WHS Server; Error ''title':'Not Found','status':404' could occur publishing membership data for 'away' members where no (home) member record had been created for the player on the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, England only).
- FIX - Results Reports; Where a competition is Maximum Score the 'Competition Format' text was not correctly displaying the maximum score value.
- FIX - 'Women's Silver and Bronze Medals' report; The competition selection screen was listing competitions outside of the permitted 'March to July' date range, in error (WHS editions, Ireland only).
Update 10.0.50 - 23 July 2021 - Update Package 1250
- AMEND - 'Handicap Index List (Previous Date)' report now accepts option to limit to a single membership category.
- AMEND - 'Handicap Index List (Previous Date)' report now player includes National ID (WHS editions, HMLTD WHS services only).
- AMEND - Handicap Scores to be Submitted; Improve status message when a score has not been submitted because the player record has not been found on the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- AMEND - Improve handling of incorrectly entered database connection details to allow editing (Cloud and Hosted Databases only).
- FIX - Adjust Handicap; In rare situations it was not possible to adjust a players' handicap (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Competition Reports; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') could occur running Start Sheets, Start Sheets Labels, Playing Handicaps List (for Competition) or Strokes Received List (for Competition) reports if the course being played was not configured correctly ('Unknown').
- FIX - Database; On some rare occasions, unexpected error 5 ('Record is deleted') would occur completing an action that is restricted to one person at a time by the system.
- FIX - Handicap Calculation; In some situations, after an opened competition has been reconfigured, calculation of a player's Tee Handicap could be disrupted, which could lead to the wrong Adjusted Gross Score for the player's score being calculated (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Player Entry; Player Entry could enter into a 'loop' situation, consuming resources, when a database error occurred. It could be difficult to clear the error message from the screen in this situation.
- FIX - Player Entry; Unexpected error 40613 ('Database 'xxxx' on server 'xxxx' is not currently available') could occur (Cloud and Hosted editions).
- FIX - Record Initial Handicap Card; Players with a National ID and insufficient scores to hold a WHS handicap could be listed as 'members with a handicap' in error, preventing Initial Handicap Cards being added to their handicap records (WHS editions, HMLTD WHS services only).
- FIX - Start Sheets; Unexpected error 5 ('InvalidArgument=Value of '-1' is not valid for 'index'') would occur if all times were deleted from the Start Sheet grid and then the Start Sheet was saved.
Update 10.0.49 - 13 July 2021 - Update Package 1249
- AMEND - Competition templates and View Results; Made it clearer which handicap is being used for auto balancing of Divisions.
- FIX - Competition Results; When closing a Multiple-round competition with the option to split ties by card matching ('countback') turned off, the user was not asked to identify the winning aggregated scores when there was a tie.
- FIX - Record Away Score; Recorded away scores were published to playing records on Master Scoreboard with invalid Handicap values (WHS editions, HMLTD WHS services only).
- FIX - Start Sheets; In some circumstances, such as when a 'First Round Date' had previously been configured for a competition then cancelled, the Start Sheets report and labels could fail to show member's latest Handicap indexes (WHS Editions).
Update 10.0.48 - 7 July 2021 - Interim Update Package 1248 - Available upon request
- AMEND - Handicapping Place; Blue, Red and Green colouring is extended to various lists in the Handicapping place for better categorising of Men, Ladies and Visitors entries.
- FIX - Competition Results; Gross score results for a Par competition, where the gross results were calculated as a score against Par, could have been miscalculated where players had not recorded a score on one or more holes.
- FIX - Golf Clubs; In some circumstances, the same entries for clubs could be listed in more than one region unnecessarily.
- FIX - Golf Courses; The course Reference Score could revert back to being recorded as the Par of the course, when scores were added to players' records, after the course scorecard was edited, in some circumstances (LOCAL handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Handicapping; On occasion, after entering a score, a database issue could prevent the score being queued to be sent through to WHS services (Non-network 'On-premises' WHS editions only).
- FIX - Online Score Entry; Where competitions had been opened using HandicapMaster update 10.0.43, the competitions may not have shown on Master Scoreboard for online score entry, or multiple competition merged into one entry on Master Scoreboard, in error ('Network, On-premises' editions only).
- FIX - Short-course Handicapping; The method of scaling 18-hole handicaps to short-course handicaps was incorrectly documented in the HandicapMaster help documentation.
- FIX - Standard Online Score Entry; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') may have occurred when importing online scores from Master Scoreboard when tees for one gender were not in use.
Update 10.0.47 - 1 July 2021 - Interim Update Package 1247 - Available upon request
- NEW - Player Entry; You may now allow players to identify themselves at the Player Entry console by typing their membership card number.
- AMEND - Player Entry; When a player selects the 'Members' option and then enters a National ID, if there is no existing player with that National ID already in the system, a Casual Visitor record will no longer be created for the member (WHS Editions only).
- FIX - Edit Visitor record; It was not possible to change the PIN number for an existing Visitor record.
- FIX - Import; When importing using a list of player national ID's, new Visitor records are now created when no previous record for a player with the National ID exists in the database.
- FIX - Integration with External Membership system; It was not possible to clear an Account ID for a Member or Past Member using the buttons on the 'Integration' tab in 'File' menu, then 'Options'.
- FIX - Open a New Competition; At the end of the wizard, if the 'Finish' button was double-clicked, two competitions instead of one could have been opened, in error.
- FIX - Starting HandicapMaster; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') could occur when starting HandicapMaster with incorrect database credentials with a 'Cloud' or 'Hosted' edition of HandicapMaster.
Update 10.0.46 - 24 June 2021 - Update Package 1246
- FIX - Undo Closed Competition; It was not possible to undo a Stroke-play competition after applying Build 10.0.45.
Update 10.0.45 - 24 June 2021 - Update Package 1245
- NEW - Eclectics; Additional allowances added to Eclectics, including 9/10ths.
- AMEND - Access to WHS Services; Change access token expiry to be based upon set time period (using local PC clock) rather than token expiry time provided by the WHS server, to avoid potential 401 errors when local PC clock is out of synchronisation with WHS server clock (WHS editions; England, Wales and Ireland only).
- AMEND - Cloud and Hosted Editions; When HandicapMaster is started without a operational Internet connection, a more suitable 'No Internet connection' message is now displayed.
- AMEND - Undo Competition; Stop team competitions being undone where the data for the competition is not reliable and where undoing the competition may result in data loss.
- FIX - Enter Scores; After editing a scorecard previously entered online, the player selected as the scorecard Marker was no longer retained.
- FIX - Enter Scores; When entering a scorecard for a team, and less players than the normal number were included in the team, the 'Date' field on the screen was overwritten, in error.
- FIX - General Play Score; When a General Play score was recorded in Stableford format, and the player did not complete all holes, the score would be reported as 'No Return' or 'NR', in error.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; When reconfiguring an opened competition with scores already entered, in some circumstances, the Course Difficulty applied to the scores for handicapping calculations was reset to zero, in error (Local handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Match Play Knock Out Draws; On some screens with high screen resolution, the window to select the parameters for the creation of a Draw Chart report could be mis-drawn, covering the OK and Cancel buttons.
- FIX - Player Entry; Some Player Entry messages were not being displayed on screen when configured to do so.
- FIX - Player Entry; Some users with local-installed HandicapMaster systems were seeing 'Disk or Network Error' displayed in the bottom left-hand corner of the Player Entry screen, in error.
- FIX - Player Entry; When selecting a partner for a team competition, and the player's handicap index was not available, the player was still added to the team, in error.
- FIX - Playing Notes; Unexpected error 5 ('The specified field '???????????' could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of your SQL statement') occurred when displaying the Playing Notes list.
Update 10.0.44 - 11 June 2021 - Interim Update Package 1244 - Available upon request
- AMEND - Import; When importing from a list of National ID's (only), existing Visitor records are now updated by lookup from the WHS handicapping service (WHS Editions only).
- FIX - Database updates; Some values were not being recorded in the database, when running 'Network' editions on premises.
- FIX - Playing Record report; Unexpected error 5 ('}' expected, found '\cell') could occur creating a Playing Record report where the player's Handicap Record from England Golf contained double-quotes in the course or tees names of one or more scores (WHS Editions, England only).
Update 10.0.43 - 10 June 2021 - Update Package 1243
- FIX - Local Handicapping; Where averaging of best recent scores was being used to calculate players handicaps, the maximum handicap value configured in the handicapping rules was not being applied to handicaps (Local Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Database; In some cases an error when running a database query was not detected (Cloud and Hosted databases).
Update 10.0.42 - 8 June 2021 - Update Package 1242
- NEW - Player Entry; You may now specify players to identify themselves at the screen by entering (only) their National ID (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Adjust Handicap; Where the 'Adjust Handicap' option is selected for a player without a current handicap, the option to enter an initial Handicap value is now offered (not all editions).
- AMEND - Enter Scores and Analyse Scores Entered; Players names are now colour-coded by gender in the applicable lists.
- AMEND - General Bookings Calendar view; when you right click and add a 'New Note' or 'New Group Booking' the date selected on the Calendar will be used as the default date of the New Note or New Group Booking.
- AMEND - Handicap Indexes; Where Handicap Indexes have to be downloaded from an external server, a check that indexes have been downloaded for the current day when running the 'Publish' wizard or when creating a 'Handicap List' report is now included (WHS editions only).
- AMEND - 'Playing Handicaps List (for Competition)' report; When Visitors are included in the report, a check for their latest Handicap Index is now performed when the report is run (WHS Editions only).
- AMEND - Playing Notes; List of Playing Notes is now ordered by the time the note was added.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred in rare situations closing a competition where no course scorecards existed for one or more player's scores (such as where a change in player Gender had been recorded after the scorecard had been recorded).
- FIX - Change Visitor to Member; After changing a Visitor to a Member, the player's previous handicap was not recognised in some circumstances (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Enter Scores; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') could occur when entering a scorecard if the tees played from were not known, or the course scorecard was unavailable. The gross score in Stableford Points is returned as NO RETURN in this situation.
- FIX - General Bookings; When creating booking schedules for a block of dates, it was possible to create a second schedule for a date where a schedule had already been created, in error.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; In some cases, where a player had a single score in their handicap record and a 'handicap cannot increase' freeze had been placed on the player's handicap, their Handicap value would be removed from the system, in error (Local Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Send scores to WHS Platform; On a few occasions, Unexpected Error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred when sending scores to the WHS server and the server responded with an unexpected response (WHS Editions; Scotland only).
Update 10.0.41 - 1 June 2021 - Interim Update Package 1241 - Available upon request
- AMEND - Handicap Records; 'Scoring Adj.' column is removed from player's Handicap Record display, as it is not being used (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- AMEND - Player's Playing Record; For short-course scores played as Regular Stroke Play or Maximum Score, a more applicable value is displayed as the player's Gross Score.
- AMEND - 'Tournament' Edition; When selecting a venue as part of making an access request to obtain the course details for a future competition, the selection list is now limited to only golf clubs previously downloaded from the WHS server (WHS editions; England and Wales only).
- AMEND - WHS handicapping; When a player's National ID is changed on the WHS Platform, and their number is subsequently changed in HandicapMaster as part of receiving updates to the player's Handicap Index, the new National ID is now removed from any other player record that already holds the new ID (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array') could occur closing a competition where the tees played from had not been recorded for one or more player's scores.
- FIX - Configure Handicapping Rules; When 'averaging' for recent best scores was turned off, it was not possible to set the number scores before manual adjustments 'expired' (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Golf Courses; After entering a name for a course, Unexpected error 5 ('String or binary data would be truncated') would occur if the name entered was more than 50 characters long.
- FIX - Import Scores; When importing scores returned through Master Scoreboard (using 'Standard' Online Score Entry and clicking the IMPORT button) for a competition played from a mixture of Tees, HandicapMaster was asking for choice of tees unnecessarily for each scorecard imported.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; In some cases, it was not possible to manually adjust a player's handicap (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Player Entry; Competition fee deduction fails to deduct fees for second and subsequent members in a team competition.
- FIX - Player Entry; When booking a future competition and additional players were added to the booking, unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array') could occur and the additional players were not booked into the competition.
Update 10.0.40 - 23 May 2021 - Update Package 1240
- NEW - Handicapping report; A new 'Handicap Index List (Previous Date)' report is added allowing Handicap Indexes to be listed for a previous date (not WHS 'Tournament' editions). Warning. This report will take some time to run on WHS editions.
- NEW - Handicapping report; A report titled 'Handicap Records (General Play Scores)', listing all non-competition scores added to member's Handicap Records on the WHS Platform in the last month, is added (WHS Editions, England, only).
- AMEND - 'Away Handicap Scores' report; This report, listing all away scores recently added to member's Handicap Records on the WHS Platform, is renamed 'Handicap Records (Away Scores)'. This report now lists the away scores added to member's records in the last month. (WHS Editions, England, only).
- AMEND - Handicap Scores Submission Log; This log now includes the date when a score was played.
- AMEND - When publishing to Master Scoreboard from computer with regional language settings outside of the UK & Ireland it was possible that some dates sent to Master Scoreboard were incorrectly formatted. This is now resolved.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array') occurred in rare situations closing a competition where the tees played from become unknown for one or more players.
- FIX - Change Competition Name; After changing the name of a competition for which scores had previously been submitted to the WHS Platform, in some cases these scores could be duplicated in player's handicap records on the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Configure opened competition; The option to view or change the Scorecard used for Pars and Stroke indexes for a team competition is now visible.
Update 10.0.39 - 21 May 2021 - Interim Update Package 1239
- AMEND - Analyse Scores Entered; The 'H'cap' heading is changed to 'Play H'cap' (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Eclectic wizard; It is clarified that the handicaps used are Handicap Index values (WHS editions).
- AMEND - Local handicapping; 'Handicap Correction' entries in player's 'Playing Record', created when changing Handicaps as a result of running the 'Import' facility, are removed (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- AMEND - Subscription Option; The list of member's displayed when adjusting a member's competition purse balance now indicates those members who are resigned, if the option to allow adjustment to resigned members is enabled.
- FIX - Local handicapping; When running the 'Import' facility to change player's Handicaps, handicaps would not be updated where players did not have any scores in their 'Handicap Record' (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Local handicapping; Where the use of 'average of best recent scores' for handicapping had been turned off, some player's handicaps could be artificially reduced when recalculated, as a result of some of the processing for averaging being applied, in error (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Re-configure Competition; If a competition was re-configured after a player's score had been cancelled from the competition, the player's score could be resent to the WHS handicapping server, in error (WHS Editions).
Update 10.0.38 - 18 May 2021 - Update Package 1238
- NEW - Subscriptions option; Accounting report 'Competition Purse Account Statement (Summary)' which displays Competition Purse Statement Summary for one or more members for selected date range is added.
- AMEND - Find Player on WHS Platform; When receiving results data from the WHS Platform following a search by name, a further request to the WHS Platform is now made for each player returned separately, to gather information missing from the initial WHS response, such as the Gender and the Handicap Index of each player (WHS Editions; Scotland only).
- AMEND - General Play, Initial Handicap and Penalty Scores; The configuration screen used when entering a score is redesigned for improved usability.
- AMEND - Improve wording on some Player Entry screens to use 'Handicap Index' (WHS editions only).
- AMEND - Scores to be Submitted; Display of errors returned from WHS Platforms is improved (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Closed Competitions; When the facility to change a competition name for a closed competition was used, this could result in scores left 'pending' in records or duplicated in records.
- FIX - Configure Competition; When re-configuring some mixed team competitions (such as Foursomes and Greensomes) after being previously opened, and not viewing the 'Tees' section, the choice of Ladies or Men's Par's and SI's to be used for the competition was lost. Instead, the Par's and SI's of the first player selected for the team was used, in error.
- FIX - Find Player on WHS Platform; Details for players returned from WHS Platform included different formats of data for the gender of the player, not previously seen on the WHS Platform test system, causing some players to be interpreted as female in error (WHS Editions; Scotland only).
- FIX - General Play Scores; After editing a completed General Play score, the score entry in the player's handicap record was left 'Pending' (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Import; Handicaps were not adjusted for existing members when revised handicap values were imported (Local Handicapping editions).
- FIX - Send Scores to WHS Platform; When Player Entry was started directly from within HandicapMaster, there was a possibility that in some circumstances the same score could be sent through to the WHS Platform twice (WHS Editions only).
- FIX - Visitors; After checking a player's latest Handicap Index using the 'Look Up Player Details' button, the updated Handicap Index was not always saved (WHS Editions).
Update 10.0.37 - 6 May 2021 - Interim Update Package 1237 - Available upon request
- AMEND - Configure Competition; For singles competitions with scorecards already entered, you may now change the course played for a competition and where there is a change of Tees required.
- AMEND - Golf Courses; When downloading course scorecards from a WHS service, course scorecards from all courses relating to the applicable club are now downloaded together. You are no longer asked which course to download (WHS Editions only).
- AMEND - Handicap List report; right align the handicap values to improve readability of report.
- AMEND - Player Entry; Recent amendment for Player Entry to vacate the role of sending scores through to a WHS platform when an error message is on screen is extended to cover a wider range of screen error messages (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - When a visitor is changed to a member it is now possible to adjust their handicap (LOCAL handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Competition Results; Overall results for aggregated multi-round team competitions (Best Ball and Am-Am's using regular stroke-play or maximum score formats) would be mis-calculated.
- FIX - Competition Score Import; Unexpected error 9999 ('Missing handicap for player; Score not submitted to handicapping') occurred importing scores from Master Scoreboard where the player's Handicap index was not known.
- FIX - Golf Courses; When downloading course scorecards from a WHS service where more than one 18-hole course is configured to the applicable club, all course scorecards for the courses except for the chosen course were set to 'Not for Handicapping', in error (WHS Editions only).
- FIX - HandicapMaster Licencing; For some customers, a loss of connection to the HandicapMaster licencing server caused a false message about requiring a licence code to be displayed, in error.
- FIX - Player Entry; After an error occurred when sending scores to WHS Platform, it was possible for no more scores to be sent (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Player Entry; Tiles on the Members/Visitors selection screen could be drawn out of position on some screen display settings.
- FIX - Player Entry; When running Player Entry on a very high-resolution screen, some messages could have been truncated on screen.
- FIX - Send Scores to WHS Platform; Initial Handicap Card scores were being flagged as competition scores in the WHS Platform, in error (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- FIX - Stroke-play Competitions; In one reported case, Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred importing scores from Master Scoreboard.
- FIX - Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array.') may have happened in rare cases when trying to start the handicapping wizard (LOCAL handicapping editions only).
Update 10.0.36 - 20 April 2021 - Update Package 1236
- AMEND - Competition Result Reports; Where results are by division make it clearer that the divisions are based on 'Handicap Index' (WHS editions only).
- AMEND - General Play Scores; When sending scores to the WHS Platform, if a score is rejected because the WHS Platform has supplied the same 'Score Intent ID' for more than one score in error, the score is successfully resubmitted without the 'Score Intent ID', rather than becoming stuck with WHS Platform response 'Score intent has already been assigned to a different score' (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- AMEND - Golf Courses; When using 'Download Course Scorecard' to download courses from the WHS Platform, and previously supplied courses are no longer provided by the WHS Platform, these are now marked as 'Not for Handicap Counting' (WHS Editions only).
- AMEND - Player Entry; Improved wording on screen when a Handicap Index lookup fails with the WHS handicap service reporting an error (WHS editions).
- AMEND - Player Entry; When there is a need to display an error message as a result of an attempt to send scores through to a WHS Platform, Player Entry will now vacate the role of sending scores through until the error message is cleared from the screen (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Playing Handicaps; Calculation of player's Playing Handicaps is adjusted in line with changed advice from CONGU for 18-hole Stableford and Par competitions, where multiple-Tee's are in play. The 'Play to Handicap' value for each player and set of Tees is changed to '36 - Round(CR - Par)'.
- AMEND - Publish to WHS Platform; When registering new players or updating players details on the WHS Platform using the PUBLISH wizard in HandicapMaster, names of players are now filtered to remove characters not accepted by the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- AMEND - Send scores to WHS Platform; When sending scores to the WHS Platform, scores will be flagged as 'competition' scores where applicable (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Configure Competition; Using some characters (such as backslash) in the competition name could cause the competition configuration to fail to be successfully applied to Master Scoreboard website.
- FIX - Enter Scores; When entering scores, Unexpected error 9999 ('Failed to insert score into HANDICAP_SCORES table') could occur (WHS Editions, Local non-Network databases, only).
- FIX - Find a Player on Scottish Golf CDH; When searching by name for a player, the results list now returns a matching set of players (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- FIX - General Play Scores; When recording General Play scores played 'away', the confirmation message confirming the score being entered always showed the player's handicap as 18, in error (LOCAL handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Handicap Indexes; When requesting a Handicap Index for a player from the WHS service for a previous, not current, date, the Handicap Index for the day prior to the requested date could be received in error (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Send Scores to WHS Platform; Where a copy of HandicapMaster and also Player Entry were being run on the score computer at the same time, in some circumstances both could send the same scores through to the WHS Platform (potentially duplicating scores in player's handicap records, especially Scotland) (WHS Editions only).
- FIX - Unexpected error 5 ('String or binary data would be truncated.') may have happen in rare cases when adding a course score card.
Update 10.0.35 - 11 April 2021 - Update Package 1235 (Interim release)
- NEW - Handicap Allowances; a '70%' option is added for 3-player 'Best 1 from 3' format competitions, following new guidance from CONGU for 3-player Team competitions.
- AMEND - Download Course Scorecard; Amended to better differentiate courses (especially 9-hole courses) downloaded where more than one course is available to download from the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- AMEND - Subscriptions option; On the Lists of Invoices member names are now colour coded in line with other areas of HandicapMaster.
- FIX - Handicap Away Scores; Scores from 'home' courses can be displayed in the report, where the home club has more than once course defined to the England Golf WHS Platform (WHS editions, England only).
- FIX - Handicap List Report; The option to include players without handicaps was ignored, in error.
- FIX - Stripe Payments; Unexpected error 5 ('Argument cannot be Nothing') could occur when refunding a payment made through Stripe.
- FIX - Subscriptions option; Unexpected Error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -10173, Column 'CHRISTIAN_NAME')') may have occurred when raising subscriptions for a Membership Pool.
Update 10.0.34 - 30 March 2021 - Update Package 1234
- NEW - Bookings; You may now select a member and view the bookings (Competitions and General Bookings) placed by that member through a new list 'Bookings by Member' in the Bookings place (Gold editions only).
- NEW - Competition Purse; When using Stripe Payments with a competition purse, you may now set the minimum payment amount that can be made into a member's competition purse.
- NEW - General Bookings; You may now limit the number of future-dated (or current day) bookings a member may hold for a selected facility at any one time (Gold editions only).
- NEW - Stripe Payments; When configured to receive payments through Master Scoreboard using Stripe Payments, you may now display a monthly summary of payments received. In addition, you may now display a 'Service Fees Statement' for each month, including VAT paid on the service fees.
- NEW - Women's Silver and Bronze Medals; Following new competition arrangements introduced by Golf Ireland, the facility to calculate results for the Golf Ireland Women's Silver and Bronze Medals is added (WHS Editions, Ireland only).
- AMEND - Bookings; Prevent two users configuring bookings for the same competition at the same time, which resulted in duplicated bookings on Master Scoreboard.
- AMEND - Change member to 'No Handicap'; If the player held a National ID, this ID will now be removed when changing the player to 'No Handicap', to avoid their handicap being subsequently checked from the WHS server (WHS editions only).
- AMEND - Enable 'Suspend Player from Competitions' option in GOLD Local Handicapping editions.
- AMEND - General Bookings Templates; Where a template is set up for multiple bookings each time, and an overall maximum number of players that may book a single time, the overall total is now displayed on screen. For an existing Template, you may now change this maximum.
- AMEND - General Bookings; The time taken to display a General Bookings schedule on screen is reduced.
- AMEND - General Bookings; Where a template or a schedule is set up for multiple bookings each time, the separate times are now spaced out on screen for easier identification.
- AMEND - Latest Handicap Indexes; When downloading the latest Handicap Indexes for members each day, HandicapMaster will now limit the download to only those members who are reported to have had a recent update applied to their Handicap Index (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- AMEND - Player Entry; Where Scorecard or Label printing is enabled, printing now occurs when a player signs in to record a General Play score.
- AMEND - Playing Handicaps/Strokes Received List (for Competition) report; The name of the course used as the basis of the calculations is now included on the report.
- AMEND - Playing Handicaps/Strokes Received List (for Competition) report; This report is extended to also show player's Course Handicaps/Tee Handicaps too.
- AMEND - Subscriptions option; The Subscriptions reports 'Summary of Overdue' and 'Valid' now contain the member's member number to assist with member identification where there are members with similar names.
- AMEND - When deleting or undeleting a 'Home' Member, the central WHS service is now also updated to reflect the change in status of the player (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS services only).
- FIX - Change member to 'No Handicap'; Operation would not succeed if there was already a player with the same name and home club in the 'Past Members' list.
- FIX - ClubWebsites; Unexpected error 6 ('Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow') happened if an invalid Master Scoreboard ID was entered.
- FIX - Distribution lists; Where access to distributions lists is sent to prevent access this setting is no longer ignored from the 'Players Place'.
- FIX - General Bookings; User security settings (custom access) were not taking affect initially when General Bookings were access via the main toolbar in HandicapMaster.
- FIX - Handicaps; In rare situations, especially where a member was added to the system with a Home club in another country, HandicapMaster could fail to access the player's Handicap Index successfully (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Importing Members; Unexpected Error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') could occur if the first or last name was not valid in the imported data. (WHS versions only)
- FIX - Local Handicapping; Where 'No score recorded' scores were entered into a 'not handicap counting' competition and the competition subsequently changed to 'counting' when applying scores, no adjusted score or 'handicap played-to' value was calculated for these scores (Local handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Order of Merit; Where results are presented in divisions and the maximum Handicap for players is less than 54, an extra division may have been displayed in error where a player has a handicap that is exactly the same as the maximum permitted handicap (Local Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Player Entry Configuration Wizard; Option to configure a call-back was not available, when Gold edition was in use and Sign-in option selected, in error.
- FIX - 'Playing Handicaps/Strokes Received List (for Competition)' Report; The wrong course details for ladies' tees were reported.
- FIX - Start Sheets; For mixed competitions with multiple tee colours for one gender only, it was not always possible to select the tee colour to be used by each player.
- FIX - Subscriptions option - Competition Purse Historic Balance reports; if a member did not have any purse transactions on or before the date selected for the report their current purse balance was used in error. This is a further fix to an earlier fix that did not resolve this correctly.
- FIX - Unexpected error -2147221501 ('Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.') occurred when trying to add additional times to a general booking schedule that had only two times.
- FIX - Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -653, Column 'CLUB_NAME')') may have occurred when displaying list of away scores. (Local Handicapping editions only).
Update 10.0.33 - 9 March 2021 - Update Package 1233
- NEW - Course Handicaps Chart; You may now elect to create a chart of player's Course Handicaps for a selected Course Scorecard.
- NEW - General Bookings; You may now assign 'None', 'View' or 'Update' access to the General Bookings facilities in HandicapMaster through a new 'General Bookings' category in User custom access settings.
- AMEND - Handicapping Place; 'General Play Scores (Completed)' item now includes 'Time signed in' column in Silver editions. Time signed in is no longer shown as year 1899 when sign-in was not activated.
- AMEND - Handicapping Place; 'General Play Scores (Sign-in)' item is added to Silver editions.
- AMEND - Playing Notes report; Now includes notes recorded for players without a handicap.
- AMEND - Publish to WHS Platform; Attempts to allocate players (who do not have National ID's) to the WHS Platform are no longer performed just because membership data has been updated for that player (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- AMEND - Publish to WHS Platform; When publishing membership updates to the Scottish Golf WHS server, the message 'Member must change home club before updates can be made' would be displayed when the member had already been 'released' on the WHS Platform as they were marked as a past-member. The message is no longer displayed in this situation (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- AMEND - Publish to WHS Platform; When publishing membership updates to the WHS Platform, screen messages when updates are rejected by the WHS Platform are improved (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- AMEND - Start sheet report. Removed extraneous blank lines in the 'Spreadsheet layout' format of the report.
- AMEND - Subscriptions option; Competition Purse export now includes additional 'type' values for transactions.
- AMEND - Undo Score; When cancelling a player's score from their handicap record, the user is now asked whether to also undo the score from the player's playing record too (Local Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Away Scores; These are shown with incorrect Net Scores and handicaps in Playing Record on HandicapMaster and Master Scoreboard (Local Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Distribution lists; The setting 'With No Handicap' was not being remembered (WHS editions only).
- FIX - Handicap Certificates; When emailing Handicap certificates, the club official name was not being substituted into the certificate signature line as intended.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; In some cases, the wrong 'Adjusted Gross Score' for player's scores could be computed (Local Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Player Entry; General Play Scores entered through Player Entry were not being included in Handicap calculations at the time they were entered, as intended (Local Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Playing Handicap; In some circumstances, a nonsense Playing Handicap value could be calculated for a player in a competition (Local Handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Subscriptions option - Receipt footer text if configured, was not being included in receipts.
Update 10.0.32 - 1 March 2021 - Update Package 1232
- FIX - Enter Scores; Unexpected error 5 ('The number of columns in the two selected tables or queries of a union query do not match' or 'All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists') occurred entering scores for singles competitions.
Update 10.0.31 - 1 March 2021 - Update Package 1231
- NEW - Freeze Handicaps; When a freeze to a players' handicap is made a 'Playing Note' entry is created (Local handicapping editions only).
- NEW - Online Payment; You may now elect to receive payment for online bookings through Stripe payment services (with no set up or subscription charges).
- AMEND - Bookings Place; Item added to Bookings place for access to Bookings Settings (Gold editions).
- AMEND - Handicap Certificates; These may now be generated for members without a handicap, to allow club official to provide National ID to members (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Handicapping Place; Item added to Handicapping place to access 'Handicap Scores Submission log' report (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Player Entry; Improved error messages when a handicap index lookup fails from a WHS Platform server (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Player Entry; When requested to enter a Handicap Index value and operation is in Touch Screen mode, the option to enter a decimal number is now made available.
- AMEND - The 'gold' colour used to highlight mixed competitions in lists has been changed slightly to improve contrast and readability.
- FIX - Competition Results; Gross Score results for Stableford competitions where the gross results are selected to be by points could be corrupted with incorrect, very high, points scores.
- FIX - Course Scorecards; Changes to Reference Score for course were not being saved unless a Par or Stroke Index value for a hole, or the Course Difficulty, was also being changed (Local Handicapping).
- FIX - Handicap Indexes; In some circumstances, a handicap check from the WHS Platform would be attempted for Visitors without National ID's, resulting in an error (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Master Scoreboard; Best scores counting towards handicap calculation were not always highlighted in player's record on Master Scoreboard, in some situations (Local handicapping editions only).
- FIX - On starting HandicapMaster a message about requiring to update was displayed in error (WHS editions only).
- FIX - Open a New Competition; When opening a new competition for the first time (new user) and no Course Scorecards had previously been entered, the option to add a course scorecard at time of opening the competition failed to add the Course Scorecard successfully.
- FIX - Player Entry; After a failed Handicap Index check, a team scorecard could be entered with less than the minimum number of players allocated to the team, in error.
- FIX - Player Entry; When booking into a competition through Player Entry, the player's eligibility to enter the competition was not being checked (Gold Editions).
- FIX - Subscriptions option - Competition Purse Historic Balance reports; if a member did not have any purse transactions on or before the date selected for the report their current purse balance was used in error, this is now corrected to be a balance of zero.
Update 10.0.30 - 18 February 2021 - Update Package 1230
- FIX - Various; Unexpected error 5 ('Font 'Magneto' does not support style 'Regular'') could occur running build 10.0.28 on PC's with Windows 7 installed.
- FIX - Upgrade from version 9; Unexpected error 5 ('Column 'COURSE_DIFFICULTY' does not belong to table MyDataset') occurred updating to version 10 from version 9.
Update 10.0.29 - 18 February 2021 - Update Package 1229
- NEW - Handicap Certificates; The facility to print or email a Handicap Certificate is added (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- AMEND - Player Entry; 'Out of Region' players will now be asked to confirm their WHS Handicap Index when signing in or entering a score through Player Entry (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Edit Member; It was not possible to enter a National ID from another country in the England-Wales-Ireland region for a member when the member's record had previously been added as a non-playing member (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- FIX - Local Handicapping; Reference score for handicapping for a course scorecard could show as -2, in error, where previously no 9-hole course ratings had been entered.
- FIX - Unexpected Error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object.') when downloading handicap index values from WHS Platform (WHS Editions, England only).
Update 10.0.28 - 16 February 2021 - Interim Update (available upon request)
- NEW - Adjust Handicaps; When an adjustment to a players' handicap is made a 'Playing Note' entry is created (Local handicapping editions only).
- NEW - Find a Player on National System; You may now search for a player on the national system by name and their home club (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS services only).
- NEW - Fixture List; You may now export the future fixture list to CSV file, ready to be imported into a Google Calendar (Gold editions only).
- NEW - Player Entry; You may now configure a different setting for how Visitors will identify themselves at the Player Entry screen as to how Members will identify themselves.
- NEW - Sign In option in Online Score Entry is added to SILVER editions to facilitate pre-registration of scores.
- AMEND - Competition Template, Edit Results Report, when divisions option selected wording displays 'Upper Handicap Index' to improve clarity (WHS Editions Only).
- AMEND - Configure Competition; Improved screen message is displayed when a 'non-handicap counting' course is selected for a competition that is set up as handicap counting, where there will be no suitable course scorecards available that may be used as a consequence (WHS Editions only).
- AMEND - Improve performance when managing members in a distribution list.
- AMEND - Initial Handicap Report; Now includes club and course names in the Venue column (WHS editions only).
- AMEND - Local Handicapping; Terminology used in Local Handicapping edition is changed to avoid conflict with USGA and R&A WHS Trademarks and Service Marks. 'Course Handicap' becomes 'Tee Handicap', 'Playing Handicap' becomes 'Strokes Received', etc. (LOCAL Handicapping editions only).
- AMEND - Local Handicapping; Use of 'Course Rating' and 'Slope Rating' is replaced with a new system of 'Baseline Score for Handicapping' and 'Course Difficulty', after confirmation from R&A that published Course Ratings and Slope Ratings are only licenced to be used with WHS Handicapping. 'Course Difficulty' becomes an optional item and is defined as a percentage change to a player's handicap to reflect the difficulty of a Course (LOCAL handicapping editions only).
- AMEND - Publish to WHS Platform; When updating scores previously sent to the WHS Platform, the previous scores will now be updated on the WHS Platform, rather than deleted and resubmitted afresh (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- FIX - Competitions; Scratch (no handicap) competitions were reported as unsuitable to be run as handicap counting competitions, in error (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Configure Competition; After undoing an existing (handicap counting) competition and reconfiguring it as 'not handicap counting', entries were left in player's handicap records as 'pending' when the competition was subsequently closed (Local Handicapping editions).
- FIX - Distribution Lists; Unexpected error 5 ('Record is deleted.') occurred in rare circumstances when displaying distribution lists.
- FIX - Handicap Record; Best scores from recent scores were not being highlighted on screen in HandicapMaster.
- FIX - Import; Fix incorrect message 'Two players with the same National ID have been found in the Import file. The second entry for National ID 'nnnnnn' will be skipped' and associated processing when an entry without a National ID existed in the import file straight after an entry with a National ID.
- FIX - Import; Fix Unexpected Error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') importing players (WHS editions).
- FIX - Import; It was not possible to import two players into HandicapMaster database where they have the same names on the WHS Platform (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Import; Unexpected error 5 ('Cannot read from a closed TextReader') occurred when cancelling running of import at the start of an import run.
- FIX - Import; Unexpected error 5 ('You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'MEMBER'') could occur importing players.
- FIX - Order of Merit; Where points equivalent to Stableford points are awarded, the points awarded were not calculated correctly for team competitions where a single score is entered for the team (Scrambles, Foursomes, Greensomes).
- FIX - Player Entry; When General Play scores were entered through Player Entry, with Sign-in through Player Entry too, the Course Rating and Slope Rating of the course played were not recorded in the player's Playing Record.
- FIX - Player Entry; When the Player Entry profile was set to Touchscreen and the 'Visitor' selection was made, Members, not Visitors, were listed in error.
Update 10.0.27 - 1 February 2021 - Update Package 1227
- NEW - General Play scores; Customers using the Cloud or Hosted editions of HandicapMaster may now choose to allow their members to enter their General Play scores online, through Master Scoreboard. These scores have to be input on the day (to meet WHS 'by midnight' requirements) and require Master Scoreboard to be operating 'individual passwords' facility. Re-run 'Online Score Entry' wizard to turn this facility on.
- NEW - Local Handicapping; When using averaging of player's best recent scores to calculate Handicap Indexes, you may now elect to limit the amount an index may increase after a score is added to a player's record (Local Handicapping editions only).
- NEW - Master Scoreboard; Add Handicap Scores Graph and Table to Master Scoreboard (Local handicapping editions only).
- NEW - Sign In option in Player Entry is added to WHS-SILVER editions to facilitate pre-registration of scores.
- NEW - Subscriptions Option; When recording a payment for a single Subscription or Invoice you can now automatically record an overpayment and the members purse balance will be credited.
- NEW - When a new member is added if their National ID is entered HandicapMaster will prompt to look up the members' Handicap Index from the WHS Platform (WHS editions only).
- AMEND - Configure Competition; Improved handling of a change in golf course for the opened competition, where a change in selection for Tee's is then required.
- AMEND - Download Handicap Indexes; Discrepancies between membership list in HandicapMaster and the list on the WHS Platform, previously reported as a series of onscreen messages, are now moved to a printable report 'Handicap Indexes Download Report' instead (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Find a Player on WHS Platform; 'Tournament' type users are not being offered any search data by the WHS Platform when searching for a player by name. A more suitable message is now displayed for these users (WHS 'Tournament' Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- AMEND - General Play Scores; Column 'Scorecard Marker' is added to the 'General Play Scores (Completed)' list.
- AMEND - Include VAT number on letter headings if VAT number set and Letter heading option selected.
- AMEND - Local Handicapping; Some terminology is amended within the software.
- AMEND - Master Scoreboard; Online Score Entry scorecard screens now show Handicap Index, Course Handicap and Playing Handicap on the scorecard screens.
- FIX - ClubWebsite; Unexpected error 13 ('Conversion from string to type 'Integer' is not valid') occurred when selecting Statistics menu item 'Number of Page Views (by Date)'.
- FIX - Competition Format; Description of handicap allowance for a competition on the competition results reports and in 'Configure Competition' wizard was showing a misleading description of '1/2 of Course Handicap', when 9-hole Course Handicaps were in operation.
- FIX - Competition Results Report; Divisional settings in some cases were ignored, and in some cases the values set were not remembered.
- FIX - Competition Template; Eligibility by handicap range, the maximum handicap that can be selected is set to the maximum handicap configured in the 'Handicapping Rules' (Local handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Conversion from version 9; When converting data from HandicapMaster version 9, some Course Ratings and Slope Ratings, previously entered into version 9, could not be recognised and HandicapMaster would use a Slope Rating of 113 instead, in error (Local Handicapping editions).
- FIX - Distribution Lists; Eligibility by handicap range, the maximum handicap that can be selected is set to the maximum handicap configured in the 'Handicapping Rules' (Local handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Distribution Lists; The setting for Limiting selection of Members to those 'Holding handicaps within a range' was not remembered when editing an existing distribution list with a range set.
- FIX - Eclectic Competitions, Unexpected error 5 ('Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.') could happen in some cases when setting division option. (Local Handicapping Editions Only).
- FIX - Letter Writer. The position for the Salutation was being drawn lower down the page than the value specified.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; In some cases, players could be allocated an initial handicap but this not show as their current handicap (Local handicapping only).
- FIX - Order of Merit; When using a selection of scorecards from each competition and overall results for aggregated competitions, position-based points were not calculated correctly.
- FIX - Start Sheets; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object.') may have occurred when choosing tees by handicap range.
- FIX - Welcome to HandicapMaster Wizard; Adding an organisation to the list of clubs did not result in the organisation appearing in the list, meaning this organisation could not be selected as the System Home Club. This could prevent a user from completing the wizard.
Update 10.0.26 - 12 January 2021 - Update Package 1226
- AMEND - Importing Players; A new field 'Out of Region' is added to signify that the player's handicap is managed in a different handicapping service (e.g. another national system). The Handicap Index can be imported for these players. (WHS editions only).
- AMEND - Importing Players; Where the handicapping service allows lookup of player details, players can be added by importing a list of National Numbers only. Details are retrieved from the handicapping service. (WHS editions only).
- AMEND - WHS Handicap Indexes; Users using the 'Tournament' access to the DotGolf WHS Platform through HandicapMaster may now elect to store players as 'away members' in HandicapMaster and have their Handicap Indexes downloaded from the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, England and Wales).
- FIX - Bookings Received; 'INTERNAL ERROR; unable to locate club record' could occur when viewing bookings for an 'open' competition. Visitor players could be displayed as 'Unknown' as a consequence.
- FIX - ClubWebsite; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred listing Club website Notices.
- FIX - Competition Template; After increasing the number of divisions to be used, these settings could subsequently be lost (if inappropriate default values for the maximum handicap index in the additional divisions are not amended).
- FIX - Course Scorecards; In rare cases when adding a new course score card in a blank database the list of courses was displayed as empty when it was not. (Local handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Master Scoreboard; Scores for 'General Play Scores' and 'Initial Handicap Cards' were not being published to Master Scoreboard and were not showing on Player Record display.
- FIX - Start Sheets; Unexpected Error 5 ('InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'') would occur selecting a category of player based on 'Home Club' to play from a chosen tee colour, when all players added to Start Sheet were 'Home' players.
- FIX - Start Sheets; Unexpected Error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') could occur selecting a category of player to play from a chosen tee colour, when tee colours choice was unavailable.
- FIX - Start Sheets; Unexpected Error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') or Unexpected Error 5 ('InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'') would occur selecting a category of player to play from a chosen tee colour, when no players had been added to Start Sheet.
- FIX - Start Sheets; When selecting a category of player based on Handicap Index range to play from a chosen tee colour, 'Plus' Handicap Index players were not being correctly processed.
- FIX - Visitors; When looking up visitors details on WHS platforms using the 'Look up Player's Details' button on the Visitor form, the player's Age Group is no longer reset to 'Adult' each time (WHS Editions).
Update 10.0.25 - 8 January 2021 - Interim Update
- NEW - Adjust Handicap Index; You may now adjust a player's Handicap index (when the player is a 'home' player) from HandicapMaster (WHS editions, HandicapMaster Ltd WHS services regions only).
- NEW - ILGU Silver Spoon competition; 'Ladies Silver Spoon' report is added (WHS Editions, Ireland only).
- NEW - Start Sheet Report; When creating a Start Sheet report, and you elect to include player's Handicaps on the report, player's Course and Playing Handicaps will now be included on the report. Where players have a choice of tees to play from, you will need to select which tees to assume for the purpose of including this information on the report. You are no longer able to include Handicaps when creating the report in 'Spreadsheet' layout.
- AMEND - Download Latest Member Handicaps; When downloading the latest handicap indexes for members, if the Handicap Service provider no longer offers a handicap index for a player, their index will now be removed from HandicapMaster and the player reverted to 'No Handicap' (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- AMEND - Handicap Index history; Provision by Scottish Golf of a facility to check the handicap index of a player from a previous date is now available. HandicapMaster will now request the Handicap Index, for the previous date, from the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- AMEND - Handicap Record; Player's Handicap Record is extended to include Course, Tees, PCC and Adjustments values (WHS editions, HandicapMaster Ltd WHS services regions only).
- AMEND - Handicap Record; Score Differentials counting towards players' average are now highlighted with an asterisk (WHS Editions, England and HandicapMaster Ltd WHS services regions only).
- AMEND - Master Scoreboard; After publishing to Master Scoreboard with this or a later HandicapMaster program update for the first time, the Handicap Index list on Master Scoreboard will subsequently be updated daily (WHS Editions, England only).
- AMEND - Updating existing scores; When updating scores previously sent to the WHS Platform, the previous scores will now be updated on the WHS Platform, rather than deleted and resubmitted afresh (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland).
- AMEND - WHS Handicapping; Default setting for customers using HandicapMaster Ltd WHS services is amended to turn on 'Course Rating - Par' adjustment when calculating Course Handicaps (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - WHS Handicapping; 'Send Scores' (to WHS Server) task now reports if another computer is already undertaking the role of sending scores and is preventing the task from being performed (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query 342, Column 'TEES_TO_USE')') could occur when closing a competition where a Start Sheet had been used for the competition.
- FIX - Competition Results; When applying scores and the option to raise a 'No Return' for players listed on a Start Sheet but with no score entered was selected, with results configured to be split into Auto-balanced Divisions, the player was placed into Division 1 irrespective of their Handicap Index, in error.
- FIX - Enter Scores; Unexpected error 9999 ('INTERNAL ERROR: Error occurred calculating Handicap allowance (9)' or 'INTERNAL ERROR: Unrecognised Allowance Type '6' passed to 'Calculate_Playing_Handicaps'') occurred when entering a scorecard for a Foursomes, Greensomes or Scramble competition and the handicap allowance was chosen as 'Scratch Competition'.
- FIX - Master Scoreboard; Information about which Tees a player played from in some team competitions was not being published to Master Scoreboard, affecting the display of team scorecards on the website.
- FIX - Player Entry; It was not possible to sign a team into a competition or enter a score where the teams were assigned through a Start Sheet, as the system asked for the team partners, in error.
- FIX - Send scores to WHS service; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred sending score cancellation requests to the server (WHS editions, HandicapMaster Ltd WHS service only).
Update 10.0.24 - 22 December 2020 - Update Package 1224
- AMEND - Closed Competitions List; Column 'Handicap Counting' is added to the Closed Competitions list.
- AMEND - Player Entry; The screen message displayed when a player signs in to a singles competition now includes the player's Course Handicap in addition to Handicap Index and Playing Handicap. The message now stays on screen for four seconds longer.
- FIX - Adjust Handicap; Unexpected error -2147221501 ('Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted') (Query 51019) occurred adjusting the handicap index of a player without any scores in their handicap record, when averaging of scores as the basis of handicap calculations had been turned off (Local handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Allocate Initial Handicap Award; After allocating an initial handicap, the handicap of the player was not shown in the All Members list and could not be used (Local Handicapping editions).
- FIX - ClubWebsite; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') (Query 31203) occurred adding or amending Notices.
- FIX - Competition Handicap Allowance; Improve descriptions of Handicap Allowances used for competitions.
- FIX - Eclectics; It was possible to enter a Casual Card even when the Course Rating and/or Slope Rating was missing from the selected Course Scorecard.
- FIX - Eclectics; Wrong handicaps could be used for players in Eclectic competition results where the handicaps were pinned to a specific date.
- FIX - Player Hole-by-Hole Analysis report; Where a player had returned a score above 9 for a hole, the score was displayed as '1' in the report in error. The number was truncated.
- FIX - Send Scores to WHS Server; In some reported cases, scores where a player had picked up on hole(s), these were being reported as 'Did not Play' to the WHS Server, in error (WHS Editions).
Update 10.0.23 - 18 December 2020 - Interim Update
- NEW - Handicap Certificates; Option to print a Handicap Certificate is added (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS services only).
- AMEND - 'Handicap List' report heading changed to 'Handicap Index List'.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array') occurred closing a competition where Mixed Tees Adjustment was applied and one or more Tee Colours for the Course Scorecards used included a slash character (e.g., 'Yellow/Red').
- FIX - Best Scores Analysis Report; Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array') could occur running the report.
- FIX - Cancel Opened Competition; Where a competition was originally counting for handicapping and scores been entered, then reconfigured to no longer be handicap counting, and then cancelled, the user was not asked whether to also cancel the scores submitted for handicapping.
- FIX - Competition Results Report; The Mixed Tee Adjustments declared on the results report could be incorrect for regular stroke play and maximum score competitions as the values reported were rounded to a whole number, sometimes in error.
- FIX - Countback Scores Report; Countback value -999 could be displayed in the report, in error.
- FIX - Edit Member; Unexpected error 9999 ('Unexpected Handicapping Service subaccount used in 'CDH_PlayerIDs_IsUseVerhoeff()'') could occur when editing a member record (WHS Editions, HMLTD WHS services only).
- FIX - Enter Scores; Cursor was not moved correctly after '20+' or 'Not Play' buttons were used on Score Entry screen.
- FIX - Golf Course Tee Colours; After adding a new course scorecard with a new tee colour, the course scorecard was not available to use until the HandicapMaster program was restarted.
- FIX - Past Visitors; Unexpected Error 5 ('All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions ..') could occur when undeleting past visitors.
- FIX - Visitors; Unexpected error 5 ('Incorrect syntax near 'P'') (Query 51027) could occur when checking the latest handicap index of a Visitor (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Scotland only).
Update 10.0.22 - 15 December 2020 - Update Package 1222
- NEW - Local Handicapping; You may now elect to turn of the averaging of scores as the basis of calculating handicap indexes and instead only reduce handicaps based on where players finish in a competition (Local Handicapping editions only).
- AMEND - Publish to WHS Platform; If a player is opted-out from having their Date of Birth or E-mail Address published to the WHS Platform, any previously published details are no longer removed from the Platform (WHS Editions, England only).
- AMEND - Sending Scores to WHS Platform; Following a change to the DotGolf service, 9-hole scores where the player started either 7 or 8 holes are now sent through to the WHS server for handicapping (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Competition Results Report; Teams in Foursomes, Greensomes and Scrambles could be placed into the wrong order in the results report.
- FIX - Competition Results Report; Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of array') could occur for some team competitions where Twos were being reported and one or more teams scored a Two on more than one hole.
- FIX - Download Latest Member Handicaps; After switching National ID's for players, HandicapMaster could continue to report that players were 'not reported as members of your club', in error (WHS Editions; England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Enter Scores; The latest handicap index was not being checked for a Visitor when signing-in or entering a score, where the Visitor was already known to the HandicapMaster system and their Handicap Index had not been previously been checked since the introduction of the World Handicap System (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Handicap Index for past date; When looking up a player's Handicap Index for a past date, the index for that player for the following day was being obtained from the WHS service, in error. This was due to the fact that it was misunderstood that the DotGolf API Parameter 'asBeforeUTC' returns the Handicap Index for the supplied date, not for 'before' the supplied date (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Handicap Updates; Unexpected error 5 ('The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship') (Queries 50236 and 50968) could occur in rare cases after updating a handicap index.
- FIX - Importing Scores from Master Scoreboard; In some circumstances, after a non-handicap counting competition had been amended to handicap counting, each time scores were imported into HandicapMaster for the same competition, a separate copy of the scores would be sent to the WHS Platform, in error (WHS Editions).
- FIX - List of Golf Clubs; On rare occasions, the list of clubs to select from could be displayed as an empty list.
- FIX - Open a New Competition; After opening new competitions based upon those run during the past 12-months, the scores entered to these new competitions could be linked to the scores originally entered, for handicapping purposes. This could result in the original scores being cancelled from the WHS Platforms (removing them from player's records) (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Player Entry Leader board; For some team competition formats, such as Four Ball, the wrong team net score could be displayed on the Leader board.
- FIX - Player Entry; Error '9999; Unable to access the Handicapping Service. Request for ClubMember list failed' could occur when downloading latest member handicap indexes overnight, due to overload of the Golf Union WHS server (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Sending Scores to WHS Platform; In some cases, unexpected error 5 ('Access to the path '\National Data' is denied') could occur when there are scores to be sent to the WHS Platform (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Start Sheet Labels; Wrong Playing Handicap could be displayed on label for 9-hole competitions played over the front or back nine holes.
- FIX - Start Sheet Labels; Wrong Playing Handicap could be displayed on label for mixed tee competitions, where a mixed tee adjustment was not configured to be used in Handicap calculations.
Update 10.0.21 - 8 December 2020 - Update Package 1221
- AMEND - Competition Templates; You may now elect to use handicap allowances outside of the Golf Union mandatory values for non-counting competitions (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Eclectics; The handicap allowance used for Eclectic casual cards is amended to 100% (i.e. Course Handicap is now used).
- AMEND - Eclectics; When entering a Casual Card into an Eclectic, the Handicap Calculations button now reports the Course Handicap calculations as well as the Playing Handicap calculations.
- AMEND - Publish to WHS system; 'Resignation' messages for past-members are now sent to the WHS server (WHS Editions, Scotland).
- AMEND - Visitor score entry; Where a player is a Visitor then their latest handicap will always be checked through the WHS Platform, irrespective of whether the latest index for visitors has been downloaded (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - WHS Download Course Scorecards; Hole Yardages will now be downloaded from the WHS Platforms along with Par's and SI's (WHS Editions; England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland).
- FIX - 9-Hole Competitions; Where a 9-hole competition was played over a selection of holes (i.e. was not being played over either a front or back-nine holes of an 18-hole course), the 9-hole handicap calculation was employed using 18-hole course ratings, in error.
- FIX - 9-Hole Competitions; Where a 9-hole competition was played over a selection of holes (i.e. was not being played over either a front or back-nine holes of an 18-hole course), the competition could be configured as handicap counting, despite no specific course ratings for those holes, in error (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Change System Home Club; Unexpected error 5 ('The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship') (Query 2352) could occur changing the System Home Club.
- FIX - Competition Scoring Analysis report; Unexpected error -2147221503 Invalid use of Null (Query -2280, Column 'TEE') may have happened in rare cases.
- FIX - Configure Competition; When reconfiguring an opened competition and the 'Amend' button was used to adjust settings taken from the competition template, the Handicaps used by players for scorecards already entered were unnecessarily being checked and updated, potentially changing their scores in some cases.
- FIX - Course Handicap; In rare cases, a player's Course Handicap could be calculated one stroke too low due to calculation rounding errors.
- FIX - Download Player Handicap Indexes; The Handicap Index for players were not being correctly recorded in HandicapMaster when receiving an index for a player for the first time from the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- FIX - Eclectics; Scores from Casual Cards, where the Eclectic was based upon Stableford points each hole, were recorded as zero for each hole, in error.
- FIX - Eclectics; Unexpected error 5 ('OleDbConnection does not support parallel transactions') (Query 31202) could occur deleting an Eclectic competition.
- FIX - Eclectics; When entering a Casual Card into an Eclectic, there was no informational message when no handicap could be obtained for the player for the date selected.
- FIX - Enter Scores; Course and Playing Handicaps for 'plus' handicap golfers were not showing with '+' symbol on scorecard screen for team competition score entry.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; Changing a short-course competition to Handicap Counting when Applying Scores would result in the wrong adjusted gross scores being calculated, causing inappropriate handicap adjustments (Local handicapping editions only).
- FIX - Player Entry; After a player was selected for sign-in to a team competition who had already been signed in for another team, team player selection was disrupted until Player Entry was stopped and restarted.
- FIX - Player Entry; Some Competition Fee call-backs fail with 'No National Number for player' message, in error (Gold editions only).
- FIX - Playing Handicap; In Foursomes, Greensomes and Scrambles, any Mixed Tee adjustments are now made as a percentage of the combined adjustments of the team, after applying any Handicap Allowance to the Course Handicaps.
- FIX - Summary Of Scores Report; Scores entered today may not have been included in the report (Local handicapping editions only).
Update 10.0.20 - 1 December 2020 - Update Package 1220
- NEW - Course Scorecards; Right-click option 'Update Tee Marker ID's supplied by Scottish Golf CDH' is added to course list, to help resynchronise course scorecard ID's after the WHS platform has changed the ID's it has previously provided (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- AMEND - When the database type does not match the licenced type and the licenced type is either local SQL Server or Cloud/Hosted, the user is asked for the database details.
- FIX - Add Course Scorecard; In one reported case, it was not possible to add a non-counting course scorecard as fields on scorecard screen could not be input.
- FIX - Configure Competition; It was not possible to change a 'counting for handicapping' competition to 'not handicap counting' (switching the course to a 'not handicap counting' course) in the WHS editions.
- FIX - Local Handicapping; 'Revised handicap' column in player's Handicap Record listing was not being populated.
- FIX - Player Entry; Message 'Request to create 'Score Intent' .... failed. The MemberUID field is required.' could occur when a visitor signed in for a General Play score through Player Entry (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Player Entry; Signing in for a General Play score over front 9 holes could be recorded as to be played over back 9 holes in error.
- FIX - Player Entry; Unexpected error 80040001 ('Invalid use of Null') (Query 350, Column 'TEAM_NO') could occur entering a team score after the team had previously been signed in.
- FIX - Sending scores to WHS Server; It was possible to edit competitions or competition scorecards such that the sequence of deleting and resubmitting scores to the WHS Platforms could get out of sequence (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Sending scores to WHS Server; Unexpected error 5 ('Column 'NATIONAL_UNIQUE_ID_VENDIF' does not belong to table') (Query 50795) could occur sending scores to WHS server (WHS Editions; England, Wales and Ireland).
Update 10.0.19 - 24 November 2020 - Update Package 1219
- NEW - Edit Member; You may now set whether a member is a 'home' or 'away' member (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- NEW - Find a Player on WHS Platform; You may now search for players on WHS Platform using name and home club (WHS 'Tournament' Editions, England and Wales only).
- NEW - Handicap Index history; Provision by Scottish Golf of a facility to check the handicap index of a player from a previous date is delayed. As an interim measure, until the facility is made available, HandicapMaster will now maintain an historical database of index values, so as to best estimate the missing index information (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- NEW - Scores to be Submitted list; You may now elect to resubmit or cancel multiple scores from being set to the WHS Platform in one go, through new right-click context menu items when displaying the 'Scores to be Submitted' list (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Based on customer feedback the titling of handicap related fields on Start Sheet labels and Sign-in labels has been reduced in length. So 'Index' becomes 'HI', 'Course Hcp' becomes 'CH', 'Play Hcp' becomes 'PH' and 'Team Play HCP' becomes 'Team PH' (start sheet labels only).
- AMEND - Competition Templates; You may now choose a range of allowances for additional competition formats (Local Handicapping editions only).
- AMEND - Download Latest Member Handicaps; Where more than 25 player membership exceptions are listed, the list is now spread over separate screen messages to avoid being displayed off screen (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Download Latest Member Handicaps; Where the WHS Platform fails to report away players as members of the club (such as when their home club is in another country), HandicapMaster will now try a second approach to downloading these players' indexes from the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- AMEND - Penalty Scores; You may now view Penalty Score scorecards previously entered.
- AMEND - Player Entry Settings Profiles; List of courses for general play scores to be returned over is limited to handicap counting courses only (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Analyse Scores Entered; When viewing or editing an existing scorecard, any previous manual adjustment in Playing Handicap used was not displayed and the score was shown recalculated from original Playing Handicap, in error.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Using option to change a competition to 'Count for Handicapping' when running Apply Scores when not previously configured for handicapping, caused Adjusted Scores and Score Differentials to be incorrectly calculated (Local Handicapping editions).
- FIX - Course Scorecards; In some cases, it was not possible to download the full set of course scorecards from the WHS server (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- FIX - Courses; Unexpected error 5 ('String or binary data would be truncated') could occur when saving the name of a course.
- FIX - E-mail; Unexpected error ' Value cannot be null.' When pasting content from earlier e-mail into new e-mail.
- FIX - Player Entry; It was not possible for a player to return a 9-hole General Play score over a 'Back 9' course. Message 'Unknown Course Ratings for the golf course' was displayed, in error.
- FIX - Playing Record; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -50245, Column 'COMPETITION_TYPE')') could occur displaying a player's playing record (Local Handicapping editions).
- FIX - Publishing to Master Scoreboard; member names with and apostrophe were not being correctly transferred to Master Scoreboard due to a Microsoft Library change.
- FIX - Scorecards from a Competition report; Unexpected error 5 ('Ambiguous column name 'TEAM_NO'') (Query 462) could occur running the report.
- FIX - View Playing Record; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query 0, Column 'COMP_TEAM_UNIQUE_ID')') could occur viewing a player's handicap record.
Update 10.0.18 - 17 November 2020 - Update Package 1218
- AMEND - Adjust Handicap; Adjust Handicap option can now adjust an initial Handicap (Local Handicapping editions).
- AMEND - Right Click to undo Initial Handicap Allotted entry no longer displays a list of all handicapping events (Local Handicapping editions).
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 9 ('Value cannot be null') occurred closing a single-gender competition.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') could occur closing a team competition.
- FIX - Online Score Entry; When importing scores from Master Scoreboard, if scores were re-imported more than one, they would be published more than once to WHS server, in error (WHS Editions).
- FIX - WHS; Handle Handicap indexes from WHS service provider using PC with regional settings outside of UK and Ireland (WHS Editions).
Update 10.0.17 - 16 November 2020 - Update Package 1217
- AMEND - Analyse Scores Entered; The Handicap Calculation information button is added to display the Playing Handicap calculations when analysing scorecards for a closed competition.
- AMEND - Apply Scores; It is no longer possible to select 'Count for Handicapping' option when a non-counting course has been used for the competition (WHS Editions only).
- AMEND - Initial Handicap Card; Initial cards for a handicap can no longer be entered for players marked as 'Out of Region' (WHS Editions only).
- AMEND - Initial Handicap Card; Initial cards for a handicap can no longer be entered for players without a National ID (WHS Editions only).
- AMEND - Open a new Competition; HandicapMaster was asking for users to download course scorecards before opening a new competition inappropriately, especially in 'Tournament' edition (WHS Editions only).
- AMEND - Scores to be Submitted list; Scores waiting to be sent to a WHS server, entered for a player without a National ID, are now reported with an appropriate error description.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred when closing some formats of competitions.
- FIX - Closing Competitions; Scores were not submitted to the WHS Platform when a non-counting competition was changed to counting for handicaps when applying scores (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Competition Results Report; The wrong description of Playing Handicap adjustments due to mixed tees being played could be included on the Competition Results report.
- FIX - Import; It was not possible to set the Handicap Index of a 'Visitor' using the Import facility.
- FIX - Number of Good Holes Played report; Scores from Ladies-only competitions could be excluded from the results, in error.
- FIX - Online Score Entry; When using the 'Import' button to import scores collected on Master Scoreboard, the 'Did Not Play' designation for a return for a hole on a player's card was not being recognised.
- FIX - Order of Merit; Unexpected error 5 ('Ambiguous column name 'MEMBER_ID') could occur generating Order of Merit results.
- FIX - Publish to WHS Platform; When publishing to WHS Platform, data for members without National ID's could be sent to the Platform, gaining an ID from the Platform, in error (WHS Editions, England and Scotland only).
- FIX - Start Sheet and Sign-in Labels; Wrong or incorrectly formatted player Handicap Index would be printed to label.
- FIX - WHS; Scores were being rejected by WHS Platform with message 'Gross score must be a positive integer' when NR or DNP recorded (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
Update 10.0.16 - 11 November 2020 - Update Package 1216
- NEW - Publish Wizard; When publishing membership data to England Golf or Scottish Golf WHS Platforms, you may now elect to resend membership data for all applicable members, by ticking 'Resend data to WHS Platform' box (WHS Editions, England and Scotland only).
- AMEND - Course Scorecards; You may now elect to edit the Pars and Stroke Indexes of Course Scorecards downloaded from the WHS server (WHS Editions, Scotland only).
- AMEND - Golf Courses list; 'Delete' option is added to right-click menu in WHS Editions.
- AMEND - WHS; A limit is now employed to the number of times the system will retry sending a score to a WHS server. A new option to re-submit a score is added to the 'Scores to be Submitted' task list.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred when closing some formats of competitions.
- FIX - Competition Templates; It was not possible to configure a Ladies-only template for the competition to 'count for handicapping'.
- FIX - Configure Competition; It was possible to deselect all tee colours for one or other gender of player and save this configuration, in error.
- FIX - Correct wording in message when remove tees for ladies from an opened competition.
- FIX - Handicap Record; Following an unexpected change to the DotGolf API, Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred viewing a player's Handicap Record (WHS Editions, England only).
- FIX - Initial Handicap Card; In some cases, players without handicaps would be missed off the selection list when entering an Initial Handicap Card (WHS Editions).
- FIX - Order of Merit; Unexpected error 5 ('No value given for one or more required parameters') (Query 667 or 671) occurred updating an Order of Merit where eligibility criteria included a limit to a chosen Handicap Index range.
- FIX - Out of Region players; When setting a handicap index for an out-of-region player, the handicap index was not displayed in the All Members list and could not be used for entering a score.
- FIX - Player Entry Settings Profile Wizard; Unexpected error 13 ('Conversion from string 'zc' to type 'Integer' is not valid') could occur running the wizard when insufficient Course Scorecards were configured to the system.
- FIX - Various; Some facilities are temporarily and incorrectly blocked from being run when unrelated actions are being performed on another PC.
- FIX - Visitors; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred when updating Visitors from WHS Platform if a player's Home Club was reported as 'null' by the WHS Platform (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
Update 10.0.15 - 8 November 2020 - Update Package 1215
- NEW - Initial Handicap Scores; You may now change the Tees used for an Initial Handicap Card, through a new right-click menu item in the Initial Handicap Cards list.
- AMEND - Course Scorecards; Where a course scorecard cannot be used for handicapping counting scores, it is shown as 'Not for Handicap Counting' in the Course Scorecards list (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Download Member Handicap Indexes; When downloading member Handicap Indexes and an 'away' player's handicap index is reported as 'null' (no handicap), a search for the player's handicap index is now made using a second WHS Server programming interface. On occasions, this is shown to provide the player's missing Handicap Index (WHS Editions, England, Wales and Ireland only).
- AMEND - Handicap Record; In the absence of Score Differential data being provided, an estimate is now displayed. PCC values, as supplied, are now displayed and also used in the Score Differential estimate. The date each score was submitted is now displayed (WHS Editions, England only).
- AMEND - Initial Handicap Scores and General Play Scores; Course Scorecards that are not linked to a WHS server can no longer be selected for these scores (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Opening and reconfiguring Competitions; When the competition is configured as 'Handicap Counting', only those courses that are suitable for handicap counting scores are now listed (WHS Editions only).
- FIX - Find a Player on WHS Platform; It was not possible to search for a player by ID, as the 'Find' button was not enabled (WHS Editions, Ireland only).
- FIX - Player Selection; When selecting players for a series event or eclectic, and a player eligibility criterion based on a range of handicaps was chosen, unexpected error 5 ('Invalid column name 'HANDICAP_INDEX_T1'') (Query 3030) would occur.
Update 10.0.14 - 5 November 2020 - Update Package 1214
- AMEND - Download Handicap Indexes; When downloading latest handicap indexes, names of players downloaded but not found in HandicapMaster are no longer listed if there are no members of the same gender in the database (WHS Editions).
- AMEND - Increase width of course/venue selection on some forms.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query 581, Column 'PLAYING_HANDICAP_A')') was reported once when closing a competition.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 5 ('No value given for one or more required parameters') (Query 2260) could occur closing a mixed gender competition.
- FIX - Import Scores; Unexpected error 9999 ('HANDICAP_INDEX not set in call to 'clss_HandicapEntriesSubmission'') could occur when importing scores, where the player has lost their Handicap since the date when the player entered their score.
- FIX - Letters; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -441, Column 'HANDICAP_INDEX_T2')') could occur running a letter with Handicap Index field included and an Out of Region player with no handicap award included as a recipient.
- FIX - Number of Good Holes Scored report; Unexpected error 5 ('Ambiguous column name 'SERIES_ID'') occurred viewing the report when option 'Show when and where achieved' was selected.
- FIX - Player Entry; Error ('Invalid column name 'CLUB_MEMBER_NUMBER'') could occur when players identified themselves at the Player Entry screen using the choice of either Club Membership Number or National ID.
- FIX - Publish to WHS Service; When publishing to WHS server using 'Publish' wizard, data for past-members could also be sent to the server (WHS Editions, England and Scotland only).
- FIX - Publish to WHS Service; When publishing to WHS server using 'Publish' wizard, the wrong names of members could be displayed in screen messages and in connection report when resigning players from the WHS server (WHS Editions, England only).
- FIX - Publishing to Master Scoreboard; in some cases past members may appear after publishing.
Update 10.0.13 - 3 November 2020 - Update Package 1213
- AMEND - Download Course Scorecards; Algorithm to match courses and tee colours is amended, for improved matching with WHS Servers (WHS Editions only).
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 9 ('Index was outside the bounds of the array') could occur applying scores for some formats of play.
- FIX - Apply Scores; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') could occur closing a competition.
- FIX - Best of Series; Unexpected error 5 ('Ambiguous column name 'SERIES_ID'') occurred viewing the scores making up a Best-of Series.
- FIX - Configure Competition; Unexpected error 5 ('Incorrect syntax near ')') could occur adjusting the choice of tees for an opened competition.
- FIX - Conversion from Version 9; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -50925, Column 'FORM_OF_PLAY')') could occur in some cases.
- FIX - Eclectics; Unexpected error 13 ('Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Single' is not valid') could occur updating an Eclectic where one or more players do not currently hold a Handicap Index.
- FIX - General Play Scores; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -9288, Column 'TEES_PLAYED_A')') could occur listing the General Play scores recorded.
- FIX - Importing scores from Master Scoreboard; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -31309, Column 'TEES_TO_USE')') could occur in some cases.
- FIX - 'Membership Summary' Report; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -17533, Column 'HANDICAP_INDEX_T2')') could occur running the report.
- FIX - Order of Merit; Unexpected error 5 ('Ambiguous column name 'SERIES_ID'') could occur updating an Order of Merit.
Update 10.0.12 - 2 November 2020 - Update Package 1212
- FIX - Bookings; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred booking a player into a competition through HandicapMaster.
- FIX - Distribution Lists; Players with Handicap Indexes could not be added to Distribution lists (WHS Editions only).
- FIX - Start Sheet Labels; Unexpected error ('Conversion from string '--' to type 'Decimal' is not valid') could occur when printing labels for players without handicaps.
- FIX - Enter scores and list Handicap Events; Unexpected error 5 ('Cannot resolve the collation conflict ') occurred (CLOUD editions).
- FIX - Database conversion from version 9; Unexpected error -2147221503 ('Invalid use of Null (Query -50122, Column 'TEES_PLAYED_A')') could occur.
- FIX - Visitors; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred when looking up the handicap index from the WHS server for a player marked as 'Resigned' (WHS editions, Scotland only).
Update 10.0.11 - 2 November 2020 - Update Package 1211
- FIX - Start-up; Unexpected error 91 ('Object reference not set to an instance of an object') occurred reading licencing details
Update 10.0.10 - 1 November 2020 - Update Package 1210
First release of version 10.0.